is not my actual name.... let me explain, I once asked my deceased mother why her and my dad decided not to give me an English name like my sister Maxine.
She told me my English name would have been Jordanna. I didn't adopt the name until university, when I got into fashion.
Thinking it sounded cool, I replaced the "o" with a "0," creating j0rdanna, which became a new identity. This name is a tribute to my mom, and I see it as symbolizing being made clean and whole, like the River Jordan. It connects me to her and grounds my identity in both memory and renewal.
A short art film with brief conversations on life’s aspirations from the perspective of a 4 year old and an adult. This piece speaks on fulfillment and perseverance. Each setback strengthens resolve and how the challenges shape one’s path despite the anxiety of life.
Film: Chasing fulfilment (2024)
Inspired by the Deitys of the Yoruba , a part of where I hail, I aimed to rediscover that part of myself by reimagining the Orishas in intense color and glorious pieces sometime in 2019. This project took about two years to complete.
-Nola's Professor as told by Nola in the show,
"She's gotta have it"